Let’s talk about how we can fix FPS Drops & Lag using traditional tweaks. The game should be more furnished when it launches later this year. The game was not as polished during the beta and the same is the case with the full release.

Like every AAA launch nowadays, the game suffers from performance and technical issues here and there. There’s will be a PvE mode too in this iteration of Overwatch which should bring more players to the title. The heroes fall into three classes: Support, Damage, and Tank. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map or escort a payload across, the map in a limited amount of time. Overwatch 2 assigns players into two teams of five, each player selecting one of several pre-defined hero characters with unique abilities. The first version was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. OW2 Lag Fix – Overwatch 2 is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.