Fix RTL not working on FindInFiles progress window.Make “Remove consecutive duplicate lines” support more line break.Project Workspace “Save a Copy As” confusion issue.

Improve “Remove consecutive duplicate lines” command performance.Fix Change history margin in black color issue.Add hide/show ability of Control Characters (C0 & C1) and Unicode EOL.Add the UTF8 character ability for Run & Macro menu.Make Explorer context menu “Edit with Notepad++” translatable.Fix Explorer context menu “Edit with Notepad++” double entries in some applications (Winzip).Fix Explorer context menu “Edit with Notepad++” not installed for multiple users issue.Fix Explorer context menu “Edit with Notepad++” needs restarting os to appear issue under Win 8/10.Fix tabContextMenu_example.xml not being deleted while uninstallation.Add the ability to close multiple files without saving in Document list.Add message NPPM_DARKMODESUBCLASSANDTHEME to allow plugin to use generic dark mode.Fix lexer plugin is sorted unconventionally in language menu issue.Add “open new blank document in addition on startup” ability.

Fix document language not remembered through sessions issue.Enable code folding in Assembly source files.Fix EOL symbol color/appearence being reset issue while changing encoding.Fix Notepad++ hanging issue running macro to EOF.Fix opening multi-files on multi-instance mode regression.